Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Stop Cold Calling Prospects

To all marketers who dislike cold calling and would like propspect calling you. If you are seriuos about making 6 figures anually or even monthly check out what the big hitters use!
This fantastic marketing tool will put your business into over-drive. However, that is not the only thing… this system is at 8O% below anything else out there.
Check it out... HERE.
In fact everyone I know making 6 figures annually does it.
Peter has now made it affordable for all marketers.
Instead of 1O-15 cents a call, you can now broadcast for a measly 1.5 cents a call!
Check it out...HERE
It’s a steal at only $1OO to join so get in quick, this will allow you to contact 5000 prospects in 30mins. Eliminate cold calling and all the tyre kickers, talk to prospect who return your calls from the broadcast.
*iBuzz Pro ($5OO) and Phone Power ($2OOO) to join for the same product you can get here for $1OO!

> YOU KEEP 1OO% of the sale paid direct to you!
> Modified 2 Up comp plan
> Low entry fee
> Million dollar easy-to-use broadcasting system
> Training videos and detailed manual available
> Generates leads in minutes
> Checks DNC
> Cell phone blocker
> Millions of genealogy, B2B and biz oppty leads available free
> Stock audio library of radio quality recorded messages available free
> Make a fortune referring others
> Use it to build your primary business
> Professionally recorded outbound audio library free
… and more special bonuses too

See you at the top!!

Join Vinefire!

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