Thursday, July 31, 2008

Got to have discipline

To succed in life one got to have discipline. My experience working started when i was in my early twenties and the job i had was not the most glamourous but i did take it seriously. This was my first job and i worked at a small hotel in a town call Ocho Rios which was named by the Spanish. By the way this town is a small tourist resort town on the north coast of Jamaica. I worked at this hotel for approximately 8 months before it went under. Small hotels do suffer these happenings in Jamaica. No business, therefore they go out of business. I then started working at a very nice family resort called Franklyn D. Resort. This resort is where i got a major boost working with some wonderful people. I deffinately learned how to be a professional here. The work was real challenging and you get to meet people from all walks of life. I also learnt how to be more disciplined in what ever job i under took. After spending a decent part of my working life with that company i went further to another resort which is much bigger but this time it was an adults only resort. This ones called Grand Lido Braco. Woh! Very nice place to vacation this hotel have a very high return visitor percentage. I know that because i worked in the reservations department and i did book a lot of return visits on our by anual return promotion. I did get to be working alone alot so i gradually developed a very routine and disciplined way to work. All my experiences at these wonderfull places afforded me the previllage to be what i am today. Therefore in what ever undertaking you are involved in its best to stay discipline and focus.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Don't Blow It!

As we all know this is the land of opportunity so everyone can set their goals and go for it. Setting a goal is a good thing because then and there you will at least have something in site. What is easy to achieve is harder to sustain. When its easy it comes and go quickly. I think if you work hard for it you will cherish it. So what is harder to achieve is better to sustain! Well a person who sets a goal and work towards it have a plan to achieve something. Working without a goal or plan is not a good thing. You will end up just working without being motivated or trying to move up. A lot of us go into a job just to make money which i think that is what a job is for. That's just the same thing as a sales man trying to sell you and not becoming your friend first. A job hence end up costing you all your time and may even make you forget your family exist. My people therefore i am asking you to stay focus set your goals and work towards them DON'T BLOW IT!

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Friendswin University Student Blog: New Youk Friendswin

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Land Of Opportumity

There are some good and bad decissions made by people who deside to be here in America. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a place where if you do deside to make something of your life you can. I am not saying that opportunities are not everywhere in the world but here in the good old USA it is here in abundance! A lot of people will very much agree with me on that. For someone to come here and be a bum thats what he or she deisdes not America because America do offer alot. I don't like when a person do come here a deside to be a bum because it doesn't spell well for the other who would like to come and be successful. The decission a person make when they arrive here will definately affect the path America will take in accepting another person to live here. It is therefore wise for all to be very concious of that. Some might not care but remember we all have family so think about it.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Most African Americans never ask to be here but i applied to come here to live and that in any case is asking to be here. America is a wonderful country and its a land where anyone who want prosperity can come here and florish. I say that with the conception that if you get here and don't have the right mind set you will never florish. When i say right mind set i mean a mind set to acheive great things. You must know that you are in the land of the free and the home of the brave! A proper mind set is not achieving through elegal means but to exploit all the legal forms of moving forward to prosperity. A lot of my fellow countrymen came here with a god concept of what it needs to succeed but there are a few that came and are still coming with the wrong intentions. The first time i visited America was in 1999 and i went back home and i say to all my friends i wish they all could come and see what America is all about. Its not easy to achieve great things but its attainable through hard work and dedication. As i say before a good mind set is what is required. As one song writer puts it what is harder to achiever is better to sustain. Working hard to achieve something will make you cherish and sustain it. No one wants to be working for something over and over again unless its a process that is required. What i will close in saying is come here with the right attitude and perception and you will be on the right track.

HOME INCOME PORTAL : Creating and Building Your Income From Home - Explode your income with 106 Passive Income Portals